Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Oppressive Pig Award

I've decided to create a new award/title/whatever and give it a clever name. I actually came up with it when I was googling the picture for the post before this one.

Since this is titled The Porker Blog, I thought putting a mean pig picture on the story below would be appropriate. So I Googled "Oppresive Pig" and thought, "Hey, that's pretty good." and sort of wished I'd come up with that as my blog name instead....The Oppressive Pig.    (Don't ask how I came up with the Porker Blog. It just sounded like a good idea as I was walking across my kitchen floor. Then BOOM, it was done.)

THEN I thought instead, I would just pick a celeb of the week and give them the title with a goal of not awarding the same person matter how easy people like Michael Moore make it. He's not the winner today, but I am sure he will be in the very near future and in short order.

No, for this week's winner, my pick is Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Really folks, after this interview how can it be anything but a slam dunk?

Mr. "We-Should-Infringe-On-Your-Freedom" Bloomberg is nothing but an Oppressive Pig whose only way to govern comes in the form of oppression.

WTG, libtard.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

For The Left, It's About Power, Conrol and Domination.

I was reading a post over at Breitbart and stumbled upon this article. Denied: Gun Store Owner Refuses to Hand AR-15 Over To Mark Kelly.

I get the impression this is something that has been being disscussed at length lately, but admittedly, I have been flying under the rader when it comes to news. I'm a student and have been feeling a bit overwhelmed in this, the second half of my semester. Anyway, I'm not up on it.

( e.n. Ah...yes, Mark Kelly, hubster to Gabrielle Giffords and his gun purchase. I did read about him, I just wasn't making a connection pre-coffee this morning. His daughter's dog killed a baby sea lion? Cripes, what's the world coming to when dogs act like dogs? )

I usually peruse the comments after articles like this, just to get a feel of the readers themselves. At Brietbart, you can pretty much count the majority of readers and commenters are going to be leaning right.

However, the following comment sums up perfectly, in a paragraph, exactly what the left's motivations are. I had to share it.

"The law, for the left , is not a uniform instrument of justice but rather a blunt force trauma instrument to be used to batter opponents into silence. That is how the left works. That is how the left has always worked. That is how the left will continue to work.
With the left, the issues are never the issue, the issue is always power; the policies are never the policy, the policy is always control; and the laws are never the law, the law is always domination. Understand this and you understand the murderous designs and totalitarian goals of the political left."                      Porker Click to A_Snitch_in_Time.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is the exact truth. This is probably the most profound and spot-on summary I have seen all year....meaning the last 12 months.

Think on it. Absorb it. Ponder it's meaning. Then take a good, long and hard look at exactly the kind of things the left is trying to push on us by telling us it's for our own good, for our safety, for our protection. And then when we won't buy it for ourselves, they start using their agenda as a means to "protect" our children.

Lying Liars and the Lies they tell.

Yes, Please Explain

Friday, March 22, 2013

Alie and Georgia On The Cooking Channel

Just to plug a couple of my favorite ladies.

Alie Ward and Georgia Hardstark are in the process of shooting their new show, Alie and Georgia, which will premiere on The Cooking Channel in June of 2013.

Made famous by their first signature drink, The McNuggetini, Alie and Georgia have been cooling off thirsty palates with their wacky and wild drink mixtures since 2009.

I've followed Alie and Georgia since before the beginning and have to say I am pretty stoked for them. They're funny, cute, and refreshing. Check out their tumbler blog to the right and see what they're up to.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Thoughts and Prayers to Camp Lejeune

This just in...

Camp Lejeune Marines Killed in Training Accident

My step-son was in the Navy for 6 years and was stationed at Camp Lejeune while he served a good portion of his enlistment with the Marines.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of these courageous young men and women. You are foremost on our hearts.

Now, We Study Drunk Lesbians Too!

As if a study to find why lesbians are fatter than their gay male counterparts wasn't enough to give proper homage to the victimized group, NOW  we are funding a study through the University of Illinois to find out what lesbians tend to be "hazardous drinkers."

FTA: Why Do Lesbians Have a Higher "Risk For Hazardous Drinking?

"The University of Illinois has received grants since 2009 for its project, "Cumulative Stress and Hazardous Drinking in a Community of Adult Lesbians," which aims to develop “culturally sensitive” strategies to prevent lesbians from being drunks."

And this tidbit:

“We propose to build on and extend our study of sexual identity and drinking… to model effects of cumulative stress on hazardous drinking among lesbians.”


I wonder if either of these studies are going to explore the very real possibility that probably the majority of lesbians, whether drunk or fat,  were abused by men at young ages.  I seriously doubt that ANYONE would be surprised if most were sexually abused, as well as/or  physically, emotionally, spiritually and verbally by significant males in their youth.

How about a study on THAT???

Oh no, we can't get to the root of WHY a woman may be a lesbian (or fat, or drunk) other than to say she was born one, because that would deviate from an agenda where we can FURTHER victimize women by telling them we're on their side when we really just want to use them to get money.

That isn't to say that I think all homosexuals choose their orientation, but some do. To deny that is intellectually dishonest.

Oh...and no need for anyone to keep sticking it to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organiziations, for not reporting to authorities when they have been told by 14 year old teens in for abortions or birth control, that their partners are 30 year old men. If PP actually reported that, there might be some valuable data that would be useful in the aformentioned two studies.

But let's not let any facts confuse the agenda.

Maybe there's a study somewhere that studies how the federal government whores women for the price of more goverment oppression.

Ladies, why do we let the government do this to us? They're full of shit and we just keep letting them feed it to us.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson is No One's TOKEN!!!!

Dr. Ben Carson.
Grew up without a father. Grew up poor.
Had a mother who worked 3 jobs and decided TV was bad for her two sons. She made them read books.
Became a top  pediatric neurosurgeon at John's Hopkins University Hospital and will retire this fall at the age of 62.
Believes in God. Beleives everyone should be allowed to believe the way they want to.
Believes in an individual's ability to make the world better.
Believes taxes should not be punitive for anyone, not the guy kicking in a dollar or the guy kicking in a million dollars. Believes EVERYONE should pay their fair share and have some "skin in the game."
Dr. Ben Carson is NO ONE'S one's.
He's got something to say and it's been a long damn time since anyone has captured my attention like he has.
He's driving the left crazy because he's conservative, "Since when does the color of anyone's skin determine how they should believe?" he asks.
Pay attention to this man. He's going places. He has things to say that resonate with Americans.